Thursday, January 23, 2020

January Thoughts

One of my first impressions of NYC (as a tourist turned to a resident?) is that almost everyone is in a rush. Most people cross the road before the signal turns to "walk" and I am amazed by how people are quite vigilant about the stoplights. They know when to start walking. Up to this day, I still feel scared crossing the road sometimes especially when I am in some busy streets like Union Square or Times Square.  A lot of cars that I've seen on a red light would honk at the car in front of them the second the light turns green. I thought to myself, you ought to give the driver in front of you time to accelerate! Definitely take my observation with a grain of salt, even if this is one of the common "stereotypes" people have about people living in NYC. Before moving here, I wondered if I would become impatient about time. I did not want to pick up on the trait. 

Thankfully, I haven't. This is probably part of my honeymoon phase with NYC.

I feel that not having a car in NYC contributed to having more time. I dreaded not having a car and did not quite imagine a life without it. Suddenly, here I am! My work hours became much more normal as well. The time spent not driving has been spent doing other things I enjoy such as reading. I like to avoid situations where I would need to "run" toward the train (only if I am with another person, like my better half, who would definitely sprint if he has to). I personally do not mind waiting some more depending on the time of day or the task at hand during the day. I would grab the book out of my bag and continue to reading. I am strangely happy about this. 

I feel that the schedule and time I have now is the perfect way to make friends although that is still a struggle. Back in San Diego, my work hours made it so difficult (took me forever to establish non-work friends). I find myself attending Brooklyn's "Girly Book Club" two consecutive months in a row and I've recently just signed up for the February meeting. I bought next month's book at Book Club bar here at lower east side during my work lunch break. As far as social life goes, attending a book club seems quite promising.

Time. I used to wonder if living here wont make time enough but the opposite happened. I have more time. I have more time to think, meditate, and wonder. I have more time to see places to and from commutes. My alone time is balanced with my better half's busy work as well. So far, everything is in a great balance. 

I also thought having a "full planner" means productivity. No, actually, I embrace an empty planner and would rather jot down thoughts on it than "plans." I embrace having a free time at the moment. 

I guess everything is through a certain perspective and how I would want to go about the situation presented to me. To be miserable or to be impatient is a choice. I am quite thankful to find myself being occupied with something productive. 

Did I mention that I truly enjoy reading?

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